Youth Ballet of Saskatchewan


Why Choose Youth Ballet?

Why Choose Youth Ballet for Dance Education?


We offer quality, artful dance instruction taught by a faculty of highly skilled and experienced teachers. Safety is of top priority, from the cleaning protocols to the way we conduct our classes.

We’re a non-profit, non-competitive dance organization that focuses on performing and the art of dance


We’re mindful of the dancers’ needs, adjusting for both their physical and mental well-being

Class sizes are always smaller to be able to provide more attention to each student


We’re family centered, and whole person focused, with classes for a wide range of ages and abilities

We’re located in a beautiful facility in a quiet neighbourhood near the University of Regina, with ample, free parking


We have 4 studios with sprung floors, making dancing comfortable in both shoes or barefoot

We have a clear and simple pricing model and offer support to families that require financial assistance

Ready for Company?

Find your artist's voice. Make your commitment to excellence and innovation in dance. Contact the artistic director for audition details.

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